
Avenue 50 Studio

Colaborativo Uno (1) Nueve (9) Siete (7)
Vero Glezqui, Alejandra Phelts, Jacobo Ramirez, Fernanda Uski, Marco Velazco, Oslyn Whizar
June 13 until July 5, 2009
Opening night reception Saturday June 13th from 7 – 10 p.m.

The 3rd Zone is a space and place corralled by the Tijuana-San Diego border – the busiest and most utilized land crossing in the world. In 2005 over 18 million vehicles and 50 million people entered the 3rd Zone. The occupants of the Zone are a mix of people living in Tijuana, San Diego County and Los Angeles County.

The 3rd Zone masses are bombarded by huge glaring digital billboards inviting a captive audience to buy homes, cars, clothes, medical and plastic surgery services. Merchants and panhandlers compete for the attention of drivers, motorcyclists and walkers in limbo who have nowhere to go except straight ahead. Time moves in slow motion holding everyone hostage in a human conveyor belt that is laced with surprises, some pleasant, some not. Staying alert whether by foot or car is the mainstay of taking up residency in the 3rd Zone – albeit anywhere from 20 minutes to three hours. Every day is a new day enveloped in the consistent inconsistency.

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