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Annenberg Space for Photography Images Not Walls: Cuba Is (September 9, 2017—March 4, 2018)   Cuba Is, the Annenberg’s contribution to Pacific Standard Time, presents an unblinking, eloquent, prescient exhibition of more than 120 images, as well as important films, that defy characterization. Together they expand exponentially the lens

Inside the entryway of Self Help Graphics & Art you are greeted by a table decorated with flowers and candles. A label reads “Sister Karen Boccalero, 20th Anniversary Commemoration.” There are notecards inscribed with messages like, “It appears you have inspired many including myself. Thank

“I just like using an ordinary object, and changing the meaning of it.” — Betye Saar “Betye Saar is to assemblage what Mick Jagger is to rock and roll.” — Monica Wyatt   The assemblage work of Betye Saar is soft- spoken; conveying its message in a beguiling