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For almost half a century Marilyn Nix was a beloved, omnipresent personality—and a sort of magical envoy—within the Los Angeles art community. An accomplished writer, art critic, Wikipedia editor, curator and public relations professional, she was also the mother of a son, Jason Henry McCormick,

San Diego Museum of Art Music and art are the closest of sisters, no matter that they barely resemble each other. Both disciplines brim with adoptions of and parallels with one another’s practices. Myriad exhibitions have tried to trace this complex, intricate, and often fraught relationship.

Much of the buzz surrounding Leimert Park either starts or ends with Mark Bradford’s Art + Practice. While this is not particularly surprising, it can be misleading in the sense that the neighborhood, a vibrant bastion of African American cultural expression, has a significant history

Steve DeGroodt’s constructs are proprioceptive compositions performing a sense of locomotion which expound on physiologic feedback mechanisms; an antechamber of phantom memory relearning the visual system and its function. The formulation of his objects are naked to the eye without pretension, yet turn around consistent

Stephanie Pryor’s new paintings are technically abstract, but in truth, exist along the border of abstraction and representation, a liminal area Pryor is especially adept at navigating. Though these luminous, strange and engaging pictures follow conventions of landscape, her palette is too intense and distinctive