
Curated By: Marisa Caichiolo, Chris Davies and Daniel Alfonso

Exhibiting Artists: Bootsy Holler, Lisa McCord, Eleonora Ronconi, Tami Bahat, Sandra Klein, JK Lavin, Aline Smithson, Susan Swihart, Sarah Hadley, Marian Crostic, Paula Riff,  Brandy Trigueros, Pauline Gola, Marjorie Salvaterra, Jessie Chaney, Samantha Geballe, Jane Szabo.

OPENING RECEPTION: January 7, 2017 @ 6pm
RSVP: buildingbridgesax@gmail.com

The Building Bridges Art Exchange (BBAX) and Fabrik Magazine welcome All Women Are Dangerous, an exhibition that features the work by seventeen women photographers and explores and highlights the rise of female contemporary artists. Through stunning photographic images, each work sheds light on some of the most pressing issues facing each artist in hopes of starting a dialog around the question: are all women dangerous?

“The exhibition focuses on the use of photography as a vehicle to explore self identity and issues of gender presentation,” stated Marisa Caichiolo, Director of BBAX. “While some of the featured artists have a conceptual or experimental approach, others have opted for the traditional photographic process. The common thread is that they all have established a very intimate and personal photographic discussion.”

The exhibition will be on view from January 7 thru February 15, 2017 at BBAX in Santa Monica’s Bergamot Station and has been curated by Marisa Caichiolo, Director of BBAX, Chris Davies, Publisher of Fabrik Magazine, and Cuban guest curator and art writer Daniel Alfonso.

“Only men are named in photography textbooks because the contemporary art scene is a greatly male-dominated area,” stated Alfonso. “We want to show and recognize the role that women have played in changing the artistic landscape through their contributions.”

The BBAX mission is dedicated to cultivating cultural understanding through the arts. The main content of their exhibitions have a social and political focus represented by voices across the globe.

“These are the voices that will continue to challenge and change the current photographic landscape,” said Davies.

For more information, please visit http://www.buildingbridgesartexchange.org/

Building Bridges Art Exchange
Bergamot Station Arts Center
2525 Michigan Ave., Unit F2, Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 770-1961

Visit the Building Bridges website for more details.





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