HomeAudience, Readership and Media Information

Audience, Readership and Media Information

Target Audience

Fabrik magazine targets Angelenos who immerse themselves in actively engaging with LA’s vibrant and unparalleled aesthetic and cultural landscape.

They are urbanites, aged 25-55, media-literate; culturally aware, city-proud, early adopters that endeavor to invest their resources and shape opinion with their progressive tastes. Sensitive to current trends, they seek to maintain rich urban lives, discover meaningful experiences and consume responsibly.

Fabrik Magazine Readership Characteristics

  • Gender: Male 50%, Female 50%
  • Age: 25-55
  • Median Age: 45 years old
  • Marital Status: Single 60%, Married 40%
  • Employment: Employed 99%, Professionals: 70%
  • Education: University Level: 90%
  • Median Income: $200,000

Print Media Information

  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Circulation: 10,000
  • Readership:  30,000
  • Price: Complimentary

Online Readership

  • Website: Our website generates an average 15,000 views per month.
  • Digital Edition: Fabrik’s digital edition has received over 5 Million page views since our 2008 launch.

Distribution and Placement Information

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