
George Billis Gallery – Anne Seidman: The Move

George Billis Gallery is pleased to present the gallery’s third solo exhibition of paintings and drawings by Anne Seidman.  An opening reception will be held February 21st from 5 – 8 PM. The exhibition features the artist’s most recent body of work and continues through April 4, 2015.

Seidman writes of her work: “These new works I use modular units of blocks, triangulated shapes and line to construct an evolving organic form.  The form is built one unit at a time while I simultaneously keep my eye on the whole.

In some of the works I use color pencil and tape with text. Each time I draw or place a unit I do so with an unblinking consideration for how it will associate with pieces already firmly planted. The chunks of cut and pieced together type are used to suggest energy, an underlying support and the sound of babble.

During the process of building the form a single unit might be nudged up, then over and sometimes added to an already exaggerated and stretched out column. Other times a unit that is placed too far  out, practically teetering, appears to be testing gravity and its consequence. Ultimately all forms are steadied by an unknown balance elsewhere in the plane.

A  sense of consciousness and a sense of place within forms and between their edges is made by allowing an unwilled execution to coexist with restrained judgment. Contiguous form and unexpected color and relationships are some of the recurring themes that create abstract narratives in the work.

The work is constructed in a single plane without depth. Some see dimension in the work but that is not my intention. At times the work might read as landscape or figure but it is intended to describe only itself.”

George Billis Gallery LA  |  2716 South La Cienega Boulevard  |  Los Angeles, California 90034

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