
The Bruce Lurie Gallery is very pleased to announce that they will be featuring the work of Gershon Kreimer at Photo Contemporary, May 1 – May 3rd at Raleigh Studios.

Gershon Kreimer is known for his images of “self-contained austerity”, as he calls it. Every image is hermetically enclosed; a beginning and ending unto itself, either ignoring or transgressing any outside reference.

“The work is not about pleasing, or aesthetic nudity” states Kreimer, “rather it is about the unveiling of the self and the recording of that unveiling, in which the models cease to pose, and simply are. That is the moment when we become witness to the humanity within: naked, stark, and unadorned.”

For the past three years he has been working exclusively with a blank background, eliminating all context and narrative. In his work, the concept is but a singularity, a pure image.

His work is also an exploration away from the flat image that is standard in photography, and the creation of photographic objects.

The transformation into an object is as interesting to him as much as the image itself. This can be seen in the light-boxes, which will be on display at the booth of the Bruce Lurie Gallery at Photo Contemporary.

Kreimer’s work can be found in various collections in New York, Los Angeles, London, Miami, and Lima-Peru.

Photo Contemporary will be held May 1 – May 3 at Raleigh Studios.

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