
Kristine Schomaker: Art Actually

I have a to-do list for my to-do list.

I am sitting at Barbara’s at the Brewery, our local watering hole/savior for when your (ok my) refrigerator is empty or you run out of fuzzy navels (the drink).

Oh yea, I am thinking about my to-do list. Where did I put it?

It’s Monday. Most people hate Mondays, but for me it is just another day. I really only know which day Saturday is because that is THE main art night of the week. I am learning to get to know Sundays better as I really need a day off every once in a while, but I found that there are so many events competing for my attention, that Wednesday or Thursday may have to suffice for a ‘day off.’ Whatever that is!

I have my analog/paper calendar in front of me. We use a Google Calendar at Shoebox since there are a few of us that want to keep up to date on important events, but I have to have my analog calendar. Recently a friend was excited to see I wrote down the season opener of Game of Thrones on an auspicious Sunday last month. Doctor Who, Outlander, Flash and Arrow are also penciled in. Yes, I am a geek, a nerd and I am proud of it! I recently fangirled (If that is the right way to say it) at a friend’s house. He had a life-size Tardis in his backyard. Even cooler than that, it was placed in the area that his Tortoise lived!

Ok ok, enough of the small talk. This is supposed to about Art Actually… Or is it art? Art is my life. I am totally all-in. Every time I go out the door to an art opening, studio visit, art talk, I walk away inspired, awestruck thinking about the passion, thought, talent, intellect, muse that goes into creating a work. This could be visual, written, music… Artists have their own language. They communicate, educate, express, empower. The creative mind is a wondrous thing. I am thrilled to be a part of the dialogue that is formed when artists create.



Bear with me. (Or is it bare? I am baring myself to you in a way. Although art can be a bear, the animal, too!) This first blog post may be a bit all over the place. Kind of like my mind. I currently have my analog calendar in front of me with Facebook and several email accounts open on the computer. How do you manage all of these distractions? A to-do list? I have to keep on top of what is going on in the (art) world around me. Facebook and Twitter are such great places to find information and share it. The art world, especially in Los Angeles, is changing and growing. What is next? What is the new model, the new paradigm shift? How long will social media sustain the art community? I would love to cover some of these topics in future posts.  

I have to run to drop off work for a show, then get some Frozen Yogurt. One of my many guilty pleasures. I feel you have to treat yourself to what you love. Why not?

Last thought of the day, a wonderful mentor, art influencer, beautiful woman said, “generosity begets generosity.” Support your local artists, galleries, museums and art organizations. Where would the world be without art?

Thank you to Chris Davies and Fabrik Media for the awesome opportunity to contribute to the art conversation!!


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