
Robert Berman Gallery is pleased to present Knot Chaos an exhibition of new poplar sculptures by John Rose. An opening reception will be held Saturday, September 12th from 5-8 PM and an artist talk will be held Thursday, October 3rd at 12 PM. The works will be on view through October 10, 2015.



“This new group of works I call amalgams, mixtures of forms and imagery gleaned from many disparate sources. Over the years most of the works I have constructed have been grounded in the powerful fundamental compounds of our world, its still there as the basic structure the building blocks, if you like, of each piece as it goes through the process of construction.

The progression from there to the here and now has been the introduction of new ingredients to the mix, on recent travels I ingested more visual information,elevating my work to a new level.

Seeing, feeling, touching, smelling, hearing, tasting, all these elements of emotional response to old, smooth and worn, surfaces that have been used by myriads of people for thousands of years clashing against the brand new, hard, sharp and bright.

Making lots of mental notes, photographs only record so much, I remember the smell and noise of a market so much more vividly than just a snap. Remembrances of places and things past, solid and quiet, loud and disorderly, fragile and tough. In all the sinews and muscles of each work is evidence of movement, nothing is really still as per string theory, everything is vibrating. Chaos reigns.”  -John Rose



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