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Issue 29 Tag

LAUNCH LA GALLERY Xi Hou’s abstract paintings are redolent of nature, light, and their interaction. Composed of myriad fluid segments, lines and color areas that interlock like jigsaw puzzle pieces but are shaped like raindrops and aqueous reflections, these canvases embody the vitality of the natural

CASA 0101 THEATER Born in Nagasaki, Hideo Sakata has worked in Los Angeles for almost four decades, but his sensibility remains thoroughly Japanese in its visual tenderness and its search for mindful repose—that is, a condition of perception at once aware of the real world and

OCEANSIDE MUSEUM OF ART America’s love-hate relationship with modern art came to something of a head in the 1940s and ‘50s, when the middle class finally reached a level of security and could afford to exercise a modicum of intellectual curiosity (a modicum maintained with notable

At LACMA’s exhibition Variations: Conversations in and Around Abstract Painting, which closed in March 2015, Dianna Molzan’s small, spare work occupied a wall towards the rear of the gallery space. In the midst of monumental works by Mark Bradford, Mark Grotjahn, and Rashid Johnson, Molzan’s