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LAUNCH LA GALLERY Xi Hou’s abstract paintings are redolent of nature, light, and their interaction. Composed of myriad fluid segments, lines and color areas that interlock like jigsaw puzzle pieces but are shaped like raindrops and aqueous reflections, these canvases embody the vitality of the natural

CASA 0101 THEATER Born in Nagasaki, Hideo Sakata has worked in Los Angeles for almost four decades, but his sensibility remains thoroughly Japanese in its visual tenderness and its search for mindful repose—that is, a condition of perception at once aware of the real world and

 DIANE ROSENSTEIN GALLERY Eben Goff is at once a formalist sculptor, an explorer of material and process, and a poetic evocateur who gives an ecological spin to land art. With such a range of concerns driving his work, it’s no surprise Goff engages a wide variety

FABIEN CASTANIER GALLERY Its thesis—that Latin American artists have a particular interest in, or at least way of, collapsing the divisions between high culture and low—needed more room than a normal-size gallery allows. But the five artists assembled in Multifarious Abstraction do all persuasively fuse “serious”