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OCEANSIDE MUSEUM OF ART America’s love-hate relationship with modern art came to something of a head in the 1940s and ‘50s, when the middle class finally reached a level of security and could afford to exercise a modicum of intellectual curiosity (a modicum maintained with notable

 DIANE ROSENSTEIN GALLERY Eben Goff is at once a formalist sculptor, an explorer of material and process, and a poetic evocateur who gives an ecological spin to land art. With such a range of concerns driving his work, it’s no surprise Goff engages a wide variety

FABIEN CASTANIER GALLERY Its thesis—that Latin American artists have a particular interest in, or at least way of, collapsing the divisions between high culture and low—needed more room than a normal-size gallery allows. But the five artists assembled in Multifarious Abstraction do all persuasively fuse “serious”

Anish Kapoor (January 31-March 7, 2016) Anish Kapoor’s audience has come to expect of him either emphatically polished, reflective objects of irregular, somewhat organic shape or much more perfectly rounded things whose pigmented surfaces are so deeply, darkly colored that all light seems to disappear into