
Bessie Kunath takes everyday materials and creates small scale, intimate sculptures and installations; hand-made and strangely elegant while still being coarsely fashioned. The pieces embody an exploration of their own materiality and scale, the possibilities in their construction, the process of decision-making and a fine sensibility for subtle nuance of line and tone.

With alterations and manipulations that allow fresh and engaging ways of re-encountering the forms, the sculptures mimic Minimalism but are provisional and poetic. They are distanced and yet considered while maintaining a sense of personality and idiosyncratic playfulness. They contain an oddness that pulls you in, while succeeding in simultaneously pushing you away—an unsolved mystery.

Kunath implies a functionality that suggests more about the human brain’s need to formulate meaning and impose structure than perhaps exists in the objects themselves. They are conduits to reflecting the working of our own minds. Their intuitive and lyrical qualities ensure our response is a positive one, suggesting oblique references while never committing to any one dialogue or enquiry.

The forms conceal their intentions and remain familiar, if unknowable, a container of their own selfhood, a fragment, a memory, reflecting our own ‘Self’—a body, a place in time and space… (MP)

Website: bessiekunath.com

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