
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the

“Ground Control to Major Tom, Take your protein pills and put your helmet on. This

"Even though you do not hear it, there is sound…Before you make it there is

Corbett vs. Dempsey Celeste Rapone and Betsy Odom: Everlast September 21—October 27, 2018 The work of Celeste Rapone

516 Arts Currency: What Do You Value? November 17, 2018— February 23, 2019 Walking into the polemical exhibition Currency:

Charlotte Jackson Fine Art David Simpson: Illumination October 5—November 3, 2018 Incorporating Interference paints — transparent formulas containing

Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson Blessed Be: Mysticism, Spirituality, and the Occult in Contemporary Art September 15—December

Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) Gary Hill: Linguistic Spill ([Un]Contained) July 26—September 29, 2018 Linguistic Spill ([Un]Contained), exhibited last

Russo Lee Gallery Ko Kirk Yamahira: deconstruction and reconstruction October 4—27, 2018 Obsessively meticulous and labor-intensive in their construction,

Casemore Kirkeby Gallery Suné Woods: This Body is Alive September 8—November 17, 2018 Suné Woods’ beautifully paced and

McEvoy Foundation for the Arts No Time September 21, 2018— January 19, 2019 A year ago, photographer Cristina Mittermeier’s

Beall Center for Art + Technology, University of California, Irvine R. Luke DuBois: Music into Data::Data into

Judy Dater: Only Human Laband Art Gallery at Loyola Marymount University October 6—December 8, 2018 Only Human, a modest-sized

“To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life,