
Public intervention in a designed environment can animate surfaces, mobilize boundaries that unfold into immeasurable expansions in their use, and turn private space inside out into public domain. Nate Page investigates the intangible issues of psychological significance that tend to be ignored in environmental decisions. While each one of us is a nodal point in this action to manifest biophilia; straddling nature and community; privacy and alienation, the paradox of living among modern architecture and the quest for functional engagement is a reconsideration in extending our sensibilities, unlocking the visual aperture without making permanent changes. (KG). http://www.natepage.com

Nate Page

Nate Page – Instituted Angles of Path and Display, 2013
Iron handrail, lumber, drywall, 18’ x 5’ x 60’. Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena CA.

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