
Peter Fetterman Gallery: Stephen Wilkes “Day to Night”

Peter Fetterman Gallery is pleased to present Day to Night, the acclaimed global series from American photographer Stephen Wilkes. The exhibition will include a selection of large-scale color prints from the project and will feature the debut of several new works. An opening reception for the artist will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2014 from 6:00-8:00pm.

Day to Night is an ongoing photography project that visually narrates the events and human activity of an entire day into the night. Using a uniquely innovative photographic process, the images are created by photographing from one camera angle for up to 15 hours, continually observing and capturing thousands of specific moments. Taken in some of the world’s most famed locations, Wilkes narrates a visual story as time passes by. A select group of these moments are then painstakingly blended into one seamless photograph, a process that takes several months. The final result captures the changing of time within a single frame.

Equal parts documentary street photography and architectural landscapes, the almost surreal images in Day to Night are built upon the influence people have on their urban environment. Wilkes says, “I discovered that the photographs began to highlight a form of emergent behavior within the daily life of the city. Studying the communication between pedestrians on sidewalks, cars and cabs on the street, these individual elements become complex life forms as they flow together.”

As Wilkes further developed and focused his process, later images such as Jerusalem (2012) and Presidential Inauguration, Washington D.C. (2013) include thousands of people shown in the position they were at during various times of day while maintaining a seamless transition of changing light. High-traffic scenes like in Santa Monica Pier (2013) and Union Square (2014) keep the viewer engaged with countless narratives of people embracing, playing sports, sun-bathing, or hailing a cab. New pieces debuting in the exhibition include Tunnel View, Yosemite (2014) and Eiffel Tower, Paris (2014) as well as works from New York City, Israel, and London.

Throughout the history of photography, there have been artists such as Eadweard Muybridge, Berenice Abbott, and Harold Edgarton, whose processes used technology to affect the possibilities of what a single image could convey. Stephen Wilkes is taking the concept of time and changing the way we look at a single still image, fusing hundreds of moments into one seamless scene, marking a new step in the ever-evolving medium of fine art photography. Beyond the narrative of light, Wilkes utilizes customized technology to achieve large-scale prints of breathtaking clarity and detail.

Peter Fetterman Gallery
2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
Santa Monica, CA 90404

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