
CES Gallery presents “Fake News.” Curated by Brian Robertson. The show will run from May 5 through 28, 2017, A Very Festive Opening Reception: Friday, May 5, 2017, 7–9pm

CES Gallery is pleased to present Fake News, a group exhibition featuring recent works by Adam Beris, Ryan Travis Christian, Huey Crowley, José Lerma, Hilary Pecis, Mark Posey, Robbie Simon, Britton Tolliver, and Brad Wright. The deluge of information is always buzzing, blogging, breaking news, push notifying, double tapping to read the alternative version, he said, she said, regurgitated, and Snoped. Welcome to the latest e-version of the objective editorial page(s), a buffet-like feeding trough of pre-determined consumer tastes. Keeping up (this job) was more work than he was used to…thought it would be easier than The Apprentice. Hail to the content providers! Hail to the truth-tellers and the naysayers! To the protest sign painters and the posters and the re-tweeters! The zine makers! The disruptors and spinners and that girl holding the megaphone! The Fake News media is officially out of control. They will do or say anything in order to get attention – never been a time like this!!


There was a time (in the history of Western art) when artists were expected to re-create reality to the best of their abilities, to tell as much of the story as accurately as possible, but luckily the artists in Fake News are all alive and kicking and someone has deleted the history of painting from Wikipedia. The artists in Fake News are incredibly observant (as all good artists should be), but they take what they see and distort it. Distortions are filters to re-frame a fucked up situation, a chance to comment, to make a statement. There are no truths and no such thing as alternative facts, there are only good bad drawings and poorly-drawn paintings. Fake News presents minimalist geometry, humorous caricature, melted institutional space, hand-copied cartoon subversions, tube-squeezed avatars, trompe l’oeil abstraction, the imaginary, the fake, and the faker.

Featured Artists:

Adam Beris, Ryan Travis Christian, Huey Crowley, José Lerma, Hilary Pecis,Mark Posey, Robbie Simon, Britton Tolliver, and Brad Wright

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