
Artist Maxim announced today that his latest collec- tion of paintings “The Universal Argument” will be showcased at “Knupp Gallery in Los Angeles CA, for “Industry Night”, Saturday March 25th, 2017, from 6pm- 9pm. This night will provide the public and the press the opportunity to experience fine art at its most humble and unique state. The collection will be up through the month of April with a closing reception Saturday, April 29th, 2017, 6pm-9pm.

Maxim’s collection “The Universal Argument” opening night on March 4th was welcomed with tremendous success ! We are very enthusiastic about this exhibition’s impact on the people, the press and the art world! The Knupp Gallery urges the press to take advantage of this evening, “Industry Night” Saturday March 25th, 2017, to delve in the richness of Maxims work before its gone.

Maxim was born in Prague, the Czech Republic, during communism. Growing up under an oppressing regime, Maxim developed an undying conviction to uphold the truth and the need to stand for all injustices. Maxim’s work reflects his struggle between the de- spondency and longing for the prospect of mankind as a whole.

Maxim’s paintings are his testament of the world we live in— its crudeness and beauty, its freedoms and indoctrinations. His large-scale, sculpted like paintings are a direct manifestation of his internal vying to find a higher meaning and order in our human character.

“The Universal Argument” collection has spun over an 18-month period of devel- opment. Its 22-piece collection encapsulates Maxims vision of one’s quest for finding the ultimate truth-the origins of our existence and the ability to comprehend it.

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