
La Luz de Jesus presents Vakseen, Annie Terrazzo, Tracy Lewis, Dos Diablos, Matt Adrian & Sean Stepanoff

La Luz de Jesus presents a group show featuring Vakseen, Annie Terrazzo, Tracy Lewis, Dos Diablos, Matt Adrian & Sean Stepanoff. The exhibition will run from July 7th through July 30th, 2017. An opening reception will be held on July 7th from 8-11pm.

After six months in Ireland, Annie Terrazzo returned to Los Angeles to enter one of the most prolific and experimental periods of her career. She’s made dozens of new pieces as part of multiple series, and explored painting and illustration styles in a way she’s never done before.


The abundance of creativity has translated to a glut of showcases. Terrazzo will be premiering much of the new work at three group shows this summer, beginning in “Dark Nature,” a showcase in New York City at Last Rites Gallery on June 3. The gallery has become the premier gallery for contemporary surrealism with a focus on the human condition. “Dark Nature” will be on view June 3rd through July 1st , with the opening reception Saturday, June 3rd from 7pm – 11pm.

On July 7, Terrazzo will make her biggest Los Angeles gallery showing to date at La Luz de Jesus, which is currently celebrating its 31st year of monthly exhibits. “This year, the talent was so impressive that we couldn’t limit our selections to filling just one month, so we’ll have two Summer Showcases ,” says gallery director Matt Kennedy. “One of the first artists we knew we’d be giving wall space to this summer was Annie Terrazzo . Her appropriation of newspapers and other found objects to produce femininity out of chaos is extraordinary.”
The e xhibition opens on Friday, July 7th with an artist reception from 8-11 PM. The exhibition runs through Sunday July 30th. La Luz de Jesus Gallery is located inside the WACKO complex at 4633 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA.

About Annie Terrazzo
Born in Breckenridge Colorado, Annie Terrazzo surrounded herself with dreams. Her childhood was unorthodox and chaotic, having been raised by a mother who was a schizophrenic adult entertainer and a father who was a formula one race car driver. This chaos was countered by a large family who, through silversmithing and plein air painting, taught her the value of and method to making beauty in the world. She spent large portions of her time writing plays on an old typewriter, watching movies, and dreaming of Paris, activities that would influence her later work on international fashion.

After graduating from the Academy of Art in San Francisco, CA, Terrazzo began her career in trash portraiture, focusing on using found objects, newspapers, and magazines. She strives to create work that allows the viewer to recognize image and text based language, drawing you in through the technical skill she possesses and the attention to detail that permeates all of her work.

Sean Stepanoff
In his second featured show at La Luz de Jesus, Sean Stepanoff takes his focus off of hipsters and hip-hop and focuses on the movies they love. Reinterpreting the aesthetic of Ghanaian Barbershop sign painting, he pays homage some of his favorite cult movies.

Tracy Lewis
Tracy works primarily in transparent watercolor, layering luminous glazes of pure hue to give everything a candy coating of Easter-like color. Inspired by a collection of curiosities, along with a love of fairy tales, Art Nouveau and Old Hollywood Glamour, Tracy creates portraits of ephemeral beauty, often in a contradiction of disquiet and harmony; the compassionate femme fatale. “I am fascinated with the interconnectedness of all things, the strength, and fragility of our world, the duality of nature. The metamorphosis of life and death, the beauty of it all captures my imagination. By listening to nature’s incantations, I hope to portray in my work some of these delicate and unseen forces that surround us” states Lewis.

Matt Adrian
Matt Adrian splits his time between Los Angeles and Joshua Tree.”The mood that inspired these paintings came about as a direct, visceral response to the current American political disaster that is currently unfolding. They’re also very much of a place: Los Angeles. While the constant blue skies of Southern California can be enjoyable at first, for me the relentless march of day after day of blue skies occasionally take on an unsettling quality that’s hard to put a finger on.”

Jorge Dos Diablos
Jorge is self-taught and works predominantly as a painter though also Jorge illustrates festival posters, album covers, and illustrates for print editorials. Jorge lives and works between Guadalajara and Los Angeles and has exhibited in Mexico, the United States, and France.

“For some people, it is usual to take off the thorns, but others decide to leave them and watch them grow. I celebrate the hidden human emotions through the paint, I dig from the deepest, from the brain to the guts, from the heart to the stomach or the throat contained. This portraits from the inside of hell, they’re the discomfort nobody wants to see, and every day, they live with them.”

For more information, please visit: http://laluzdejesus.com/vakseen-terrazzo-lewis-diablos-adrian-stepanoff/

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