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The quizzical paintings of David Leapman bounce out at the viewer through the use of fluorescent colors, but it is the line work hovering somewhere between figuration and the abstract that creates a magical scenario for considering his intentions. There is a calculated precision at

By examining assumptions in contemporary America about identity, memories and beliefs, Martine Syms’ response contests propriety within art and art forms. A self-proclaimed “conceptual entrepreneur,” her work covers themes as varied as Afrofuturism, queer theory and the power of language. The rarified access to work

Exploring the difficult liminal ideas that appear to hover between faith and reality, Mamou uses a wide range of materials incorporating sculpture, found objects, photography and more, to question how spirituality and aesthetics are entwined. Powerful objecthood is gained by the juxtaposition of materials and

The work of Greene reflects the indolent, perhaps desperate, lives of those living in the gig economy and social media funhouse of Los Angeles. Uncertainty for the future, pseudo-connection and alienation are reflected in the bright glow of a laptop screen after midnight, in a