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CES Gallery is pleased to present A Devil To Pay, the first solo exhibition in Los Angeles by artist duo Ghost of a Dream. The exhibition will run from January 28th through March 5th, 2017. An opening reception will be held on January 28th from

CES Gallery is pleased to present "Bright Resolutions", a group exhibition featuring works by Tanya Brodsky, Jonathan Chapline, and Megan Stroech. The exhibition will run from December 17, 2016 through January 21, 2017. An Opening Reception will be held on December 17, 2016. Our senses are saturated,

CES Gallery is pleased to present Analog Watch, a group exhibition featuring works by Christian Maychack, Megan Mueller, Manny Prieres, and Anne Vieux. An analog watch is an example of a retronym. It was coined to distinguish analog watches, which previously had been called watches, from