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Brooks Shane Salzwedel: “Land Makers
Until June 20, 2009Travel Tea Sets

Salzwedel’s new body of work continues his exploration of the industrial versus natural, with beauty and deconstruction coexisting. Though the work shows relics of human life in the form of industrial urban develop.m.ent, the landscapes are meant to maintain an ambiguity of place and time. In Land Makers there is a theme of Nature wreaking havoc on the manmade, with destructive plumes of clouds and dust looming in the background of the faded subject matter, as though people had to suddenly flee, leaving construction cranes and buildings to fend for themselves.

Misako Inaoka: “Survival Game
Until June 20, 2009Travel Tea Sets

San Francisco based Inaoka engages the raw stuff of existence in meaningful and novel ways by blurring the boundary between technique and concept, sculpture and found object. Painted with a glossy, metallic sheen, and appearing, for all intents and purposes, to be of cast metal, Inaoka’s sculpture are in fact recombinations of everyday, pre-fab rubber children’s toys and animals. Half-animal, half-machine, Misako Inaoka’s hybrids are creatures that exist in a post-evolutionary world, where gradual adaptation has been supplanted by the uneasy and quick marriage of animal and machine.

Dorian La Padura and Marvin Jordana
Until June 27, 2009

Dorian La Padura paints with color and light. By tying relationships of colors to one another and to various gray tones, he evokes specific feelings and emotions, as well as meditative states. These works were made over several years, and use landscape, floral, and abstract elements. Included in this show are several paintings and one site-specific wall mural.