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Fresh Faces in Art Tag

The work of Greene reflects the indolent, perhaps desperate, lives of those living in the gig economy and social media funhouse of Los Angeles. Uncertainty for the future, pseudo-connection and alienation are reflected in the bright glow of a laptop screen after midnight, in a

Liat Yossifor’s abstract paintings are artifacts of pre-determined and timed performative actions where the bodily action, following the internal logic of a figurative base, allow her to transform the surface via the palette knife, to a record of reworked movement and time. Shades of gray

Taking account of current urban sprawls and nature coalescing in Los Angeles’ ever-flowing metroscape, Devon Tsuno documents the city’s myriad facets in hard-edge abstractions defining a new tradition of a master printer/painter using street cred tools, sprays and stencils in lieu of woodblocks applied to

Weber uses cardboard as her medium (sometimes cast in bronze for public projects) and achieves beauty from the quotidian on a monumental scale that is both humble and spectacular at the same time. Though recycled, an environmental nod, these sculptures are more akin to Arte