
Ann Weber

Weber uses cardboard as her medium (sometimes cast in bronze for public projects) and achieves beauty from the quotidian on a monumental scale that is both humble and spectacular at the same time. Though recycled, an environmental nod, these sculptures are more akin to Arte Povera—an Italian art movement from 1967-72—with their simple forms, base materials, and direct meaning. Her background in ceramics is reflected in both her attention to craft skills and in the sculptural forms, which address memory, interactions, and anthropomorphic relationships. (MP). annwebersculpture.com

After Bernini, Rio de la Plata, 2013, found cardboard, staples, 52 x 37 x 11 inches

After Ellsworth (Red), 2014, found cardboard, staples, polyurethane, 85 x 22 x 5 inches

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