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January 2016

Art in Los Angeles is always in season. Whether contemporary, modern, or works from ages past, this year’s line up of art extravaganzas delivers objets from every genre. Each exhibition offers up art to stir our hearts and minds and to inflame our desire to acquire.

REDCAT (October 22-25, 2015) Photos: Rafael Hernandez [caption id="attachment_9590" align="alignright" width="620"] Images from John Fleck’s Blacktop Highway - Rafael Hernandez[/caption] Cinema has been the 20th century’s big screen mirror, a mirror in which we have played out our aspirations and ambitions, fantasies and follies, transgressions and terrors. It has

Here in the heart of Hollywood, the equivalent of a casting call for visual artists seems entirely appropriate. Not unlike its entertainment industry counterpart, the art world is a fiercely competitive realm. Recognizing this, one organization has been devoted to helping emerging artists gain a