
Mutant Salon

Transformative self-care is the world-making operative at Mutant Salon, a phantasmagorical beauty salon comprised of the mercurial interactions of Young Joon Kwak, Marvin Astorga and Alli Miller. Birthed as a platform for experimental performance and beautification, the community of LGBTQ POC, womyn and mutants offer haircuts, psychic readings, makeup, nails, tattoos and other metamorphosing services to engage the audience with new aesthetic experiences and makeover extravaganza.


Performers of ambiguous gender, crazed in a hot mess of excessive makeup, wigs and lingerie, writhe, thrust and pound to the parodies of 1980s aerobic videos. In its grotesque and immersive exploration of beauty, Mutant Salon creates the space to celebrate an ethos of change and critical togetherness.

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