
The Good luck Gallery is pleased to present Jacques Flechemuller. The exhibition will run from February 18th through April 2nd. An opening reception will be held on February 18th from 7-10pm.

Not many art works are capable of provoking laughter, but the ribald, irreverent and charmingly inappropriate paintings of Jacques Flechemuller are often laugh-out-loud funny. Having worked as a chef, magician and gag-writer while honing his craft as an artist, Flechemuller’s vitality spills onto his canvases, producing art that is as rich and varied as the life he has led.

Working primarily in oil and gouache, Flechemuller uses found images as a basis for his delightfully twisted subversions of standard romantic scenes, which usually parody courtship: A green-bearded gondolier offers a red rose to a woman whose pendulous breasts hang out of a canal-side window; a lascivious rabbi attempts to thumb a ride from a saucily-attired redhead on a scooter. In these works, delicacy and crudity are often expertly blended in a single tiny painting.

As well as being a painterly comedian, Flechemuller is well-versed in the old masters and art-historical allusions can often be found in his work, as in a recent charcoal-on-canvas impression of the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, a popular Renaissance subject. Subtlety is also frequently in evidence. It is hard to pinpoint why a painting of four children staring at a giant dog in a blurry pastoral landscape is so arresting but the composition exudes a mysterious power.

The range and quality of Flechemuller’s work has been recognized by the art world. He is now a full-time internationally-exhibited artist with homes in Brooklyn and France. His works are featured in the permanent collections of New York’s Whitney and Metropolitan museums, as well as numerous European collections. The Good Luck Gallery is very pleased to be presenting a second solo exhibition of Flechemuller’s work following the success of his show at the gallery in 2015.

For more information, please visit: www.thegoodluckgallery.com

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