
BLAM is pleased to present “FUtopia”. The show will run from February 4 through February 26, 2017. An opening reception will be held on February 4, 2017 from 2 to 5 p.m.

How do we know when a new world paradigm is in the works? What marks the transition, and how do we know when it is time to fight or to take flight?

With the recent election of Donald Trump, Brexit, mass immigration of Syrian refugees, and impending climate change the world seems to be on the brink of sudden and transformative change. The rising global power of the 1% at the expense of the 99% leaves the world’s populations feeling helpless to redirect the course of a world perceived as spinning out of control.

What is possible within this context? Curators Kio Griffith and Alison Woods have posed this question to eight artists participating in this exhibition. The offspring is FUtopia, a crude hybridization of possible futures, both utopic and dystopian.

Participating Artists: Gul Cagin, Helen Chung, Eben Goff, Pete Hickok, Bryan Ida, Ma Li, Alanna Marcelletti, Alex Schaefer and Lena Wolek

For more information, please visit: www.BLAMProjects.com

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