
The Critical Eye
By Phil Tarley
Forbes Hall Gallery presents “Pixelism”; photographs by Gerald Saldo
The show will run from July 9  through July 30, 2017 at Unitarian Church Forbes Hall Gallery

“It’s all about color, shape and form to achieve the compressed watercolor feel in my work,” says photographer Gerald Saldo. Saldo, a fellow of the American Film Institute who had a major career as a filmmaker and cameraman and whose work is in the collection of New York’s Museum of Modern Art has now gone back to his original love, still photography. His first solo exhibition, a collection of 15 watercolor like photographic prints, opened at the Unitarian Church Forbes Hall Gallery, on July 9 and will run through July 30, 2017.



Saldo uses low resolution together with high digital zooms. Often the downfall of most photography, Saldo uses this as an unorthodox technique to achieve an intentional pixilated look. Many of his images including Sea of Humanity were captured from a distance of 3 miles away. At times, Saldo uses binoculars to find an interesting shot, because the compositions are too distant to see with the naked eye. Once he finds an image, he likes to move with humanity, constantly composing, while rapidly releasing the shutter, feeling the passion and hoping for that magic moment. His photographs evoke the seaside with sweet painterly sensations of watery color and form. If you can’t get to the gallery you can see more of his seascapes at: http://themanwiththecamera.com/ Forbes Hall Gallery is at 1311 15th Street in Santa Monica.

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