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Through the Lens

The Critical Eye by Phil Tarley GETTY MUSEUM PRESENTS MAJOR SURVEY OF 100 YEARS OF FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY Photography and fashion seem like a couple; conjoined twins, each one enriched by the other, cleaved together, forever entwined in the mutual pursuit of art and merchandising. On Monday, June 25, a heavenly

The Critical Eye by, Phil Tarley June hosts celebrations and exhibitions all over the world and is internationally designated as Gay Pride month. The month commemorates the opening salvo of the gay revolution when on June 28, 1969, the fighting that broke out between police and drag

The Critical Eye by, Phil Tarley Mare's new photographic-based works interpret "Requiem," the last poem from Kathy Acker's final book, "Eurydice in the Underworld." Los Angeles-based artist Aline Mare grew up in New York City and began her career as an image maker and performer in the

The Critical Eye by, Phil Tarley The Photographic work of Jeffrey Conley Reverence. December 16, 2017 - June 9, 2018. Jeffrey Coney's luminous platinum, palladium prints showcased at the Fetterman Gallery, will be celebrated next Saturday, March 31, 2018, when the artist will be signing his elegantly printed book