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Narsiso Martinez Tag

Little light is shed on honest labor today. It is overlooked, forgotten and often dismissed in this entitled era of delirious wealth for the privileged few and lack of respect for those who play the fundamental roles that support society. Narsiso Martinez addresses the discriminatory

Brainworks Gallery presents "State of the Union," a group show curated by Erin Adams, Kristine Schomaker and Diane Williams. The show will run from February 4 though February 25, 2017.An opening reception will be held on February 4, 5-8pm. There will also be a performance,

On November 12th, the Torrance Art Museum proudly presents MAS Attack 13. More than 300 artists will make the final MAS Attack at the Torrance Art Museum the biggest show of this innovative exhibition series.  This one-night event will be held at from 5 to 9