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K Contemporary, Denver Daisy Patton: A Rewilded Arcadia October 6—27, 2018 CU Art Museum, Boulder Daisy Patton: This Is Not Goodbye July 19—November 17, 2018 At its most basic, Daisy Patton’s work revolves around selecting old family photos from random sources, enlarging them several times over, and essentially defacing them with

Casemore Kirkeby Gallery Suné Woods: This Body is Alive September 8—November 17, 2018 Suné Woods’ beautifully paced and installed exhibition invokes a dreamy world, aqueous yet earthly, in which bodies are alternately at rest and in motion.  Movement is either portrayed directly  –  a 21-minute video features Woods

Judy Dater: Only Human Laband Art Gallery at Loyola Marymount University October 6—December 8, 2018 Only Human, a modest-sized survey of Judy Dater’s work covering five decades, makes a compelling case for the continued relevance of traditional black-and-white portrait photography. It’s not an easy sell, as rows of thoroughly