
Alexander Kroll

The colorful manipulations of paint that Kroll presents mirror an exciting engagement with the intuitive, risk-taking process that he brings to the studio coupled with a refined sensibility that structurally engages order and chaos with organizing principles that place layer over layer to formulate emotional histories. They are a visual “attempt at a theory of everything,” as he says, that recombine techniques and methodologies in myriad ways to explore the full range of possibilities within the medium. (MP). alexanderkroll.com

Dawn at the Box Office, 2014, Oil, Acrylic, Flashe and Urethane on Canvas 96 x 84 inches. Hort Family Collection, New York, NY

Winter Neon Slipping Down, 2015, Oil, Acrylic, Enamel, Flashe, Spray Paint and Ink on Wooden Panel, 24 x 18 inches

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