
BLAM is proud to present “The Night Opens // La Nuit S’Ouvre,” an exhibition about the Dark Part of the Day. The exhibit will run from December 3rd through December 31st. An opening reception will be held on December 3rd from 2-5pm.

During the darkest month on the calendar, BLAM explores the darkest part of every day, “night.” The curators have assembled a wide range of paintings and drawings that explore the idea of “night” from different directions and creative strategies.  From Holly Topping’s delicate renderings of mysterious rituals to Marie Thibeault’s boldly painted architecture, from Christopher Kuhn’s lyrical studies to Jonathan Stofenmacher’s powerful monochromes, we look at night as never before.

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel was a Jewish American writer and philosopher, Holocaust survivor and political activist born in Romania in1928. Baer’s favorite of his writings “The Night”, was also his first book based on his time passed in Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. A voice of conscious and deep reflection into some of the darkest corners of humanity, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 and died in July 2016 while the curators were in the early planning of this exhibit. The curators said the need to honor him as a component of the show became immediately self-evident.

Co-curators: Nadege Monchera Baer and David Spanbock

Artists: Thomas Agrinier, Rod Baer, Paul Catalanotto, Helen Chung, Carla Danes, Tony De Los Reyes, Tom Dunn, Chrystel Egal, Roni Feldman, Jade Fenu, Cia Forman, Renee Fox, Rema Ghuloum, Betty Green, Kio Griffith, Khalid Hussein, Alexander Kroll, Christopher Kuhn, Alanna Marcelletti, Mike Mollett, Nadege Monchera Baer, Lena Moross, Lindsey Nobel, Lisa Oxley, Carolie Parker, Max Presneill, Aili Schmeltz, Molly Segal, Julia Schwartz, Kerrie Smith, David Spanbock, Gina Stepaniuk, Jonathan Stofenmacher, Holly Topping, Marie Thibeault, Maja Ruznic, Steven Wolkoff, Alison Woods.

It is BLAM’s mission to bring artists of like minds and practices together to increase visibility, dialogue and growth.


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