
Durden and Ray began as an online presence creating pop-up shows in 2010, and took control of its current project space in 2015. In February, the artist collective will emerge as a full-fledged gallery — without giving up its commitment to finding alternative spaces to show work by artists from Los Angeles and around the world. The group will open its new Durden and Ray gallery at 1923 S. Santa Fe Ave., next to CB1, on February 25.

“While we are shifting to a beautiful new gallery space, the move will encourage our ambition without dampening our edginess – it only broadens our reach,” said Max Presneill, a founding member of Durden and Ray. “We are partnering with galleries and collectives on several continents to bring some of the best of the world’s art to LA, and to get LA art seen in more places.”

There will be a two-part opening introducing the 24 members of Durden and Ray beginning with “Round Won” curated by Steven Wolkoff, and culminating in “Round Too” curated by Max Presneill. These artists will be responsible the future programs at the gallery. One of the primary goals of Durden and Ray is for each member to curate exhibitions that explore curatorial methodologies, a wide range of intellectual concerns and issues relevant to contemporary artists. The exhibitions also will foster international exchanges by bringing artists from across the U.S. and around the world to the new space.

Round Won
Opening reception: 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017
Runs through: Sunday, March 19
Curator: Steven Wolkoff
Artists: Dani Dodge, Tom Dunn, Roni Feldman, Jon Flack, Jenny Hager, Ben Jackel, David Leapman, Alanna Marcelletti, Max Presneill, David Spanbock, Jesse Standlea, Alison Woods

In between Round Won and Round Too, Wolkoff will curate “Book Club: Going Native,” an example of the more typical tightly curated shows the group is known for. The exhibition features a diverse group of visual artists and other creative people, including a choreographer, a composer and a mixologist, who have the book “Going Native” by Stephen Wright and then made a piece of work in response.

“The purpose of the show is to help foster dialogue between different creative communities in Los Angeles,” said Wolkoff. “By working from the same starting point, the artists in this show will learn about each other’s creative approaches and build foundations for a broader creative community.”

Book Club: Going Native
Opening reception: 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, March 25, 2017
Programming and performances on March 25 and March 26
Artists: Dave Bondi (toy designer), Gavin Bunner, Ania Catherine (choreographer), Dani Dodge, Tom Dunn, Kio Griffith, Jenny Hager, Ben Jackel, Robin Jackson (best bartender/mixologist in LA per LA Weekly), David Leapman, Constance Mallinson, Liza Ryan, Michael Webster (composer), Traci Sakosits (creative director of Vidal Sassoon, North America), Jayna Zweimann (architect and co-founder of the Pussyhat Project)

“Round Too” will feature the 12 artists not included in “Round Won.” Among them is Durden and Ray’s newest member, Valerie Wilcox, who was invited to join in the waning days for December.

“These are self motivated driven artists who are making their own path,” Wilcox said. “I am honored to be part of the group, and excited to be able to curate and work with the excellent artists within Durden and Ray as well as other artists around the world.”

“Sometimes, it is important to step up and be part of something bigger than yourself.”

Round Too
Opening reception: 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, April 1, 2017
Runs through: Sunday, April 30
Curator: Max Presneill
Artists: Jorin Bossen, Gul Cagin, Sijia Chen, Lana Duong, Ed Gomez, Brian Thomas Jones, Chris Mercier, Ty Pownall, Nano Rubio, Curtis Stage, Valerie Wilcox, Steve Wolkoff

Durden and Ray hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday noon-4 p.m. Closed Monday.

Durden and Ray location: 1923 S. Santa Fe Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90021

Media contact: Dani Dodge dani@danidodge.com 619-997-0725

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