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Anish Kapoor (January 31-March 7, 2016) Anish Kapoor’s audience has come to expect of him either emphatically polished, reflective objects of irregular, somewhat organic shape or much more perfectly rounded things whose pigmented surfaces are so deeply, darkly colored that all light seems to disappear into

Fresh Faces in Art: Eight LA Artists You Should Know A random visit to Brian Cooper’s optical illusionism is recommended to enjoy an all access pass to the multifarious stages of reality flips and shifts not included in your average free downloadable user manual. There is

Fresh Faces in Art: Eight LA Artists You Should Know Roughly constructed frameworks of Home Depot supplies get dressed up for a date by Jacob Fowler. His customized assemblages combine DIY with decorat- ing to create disconcerting sculptures that are at play with issues of Masculinity

Fresh Faces in Art: Eight LA Artists You Should Know Mixed media materials duke it out for abstract/figurative supremacy in which, come the final bell, both sides win. Carlson Hatton’s large and virtuoso, collage-like, paintings succeed in layering his complex myriad sources, from art history to daily

Fresh Faces in Art: Eight LA Artists You Should Know A swirling universe of abstract potential marks Jenny Hager’s paintings. Intense color used within spaces bisected and slashed by hard edge lines play counterpoint to her splashes and gestural motifs. They invoke a sense of immense space; imagine