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 DIANE ROSENSTEIN GALLERY Eben Goff is at once a formalist sculptor, an explorer of material and process, and a poetic evocateur who gives an ecological spin to land art. With such a range of concerns driving his work, it’s no surprise Goff engages a wide variety

FABIEN CASTANIER GALLERY Its thesis—that Latin American artists have a particular interest in, or at least way of, collapsing the divisions between high culture and low—needed more room than a normal-size gallery allows. But the five artists assembled in Multifarious Abstraction do all persuasively fuse “serious”

In 1928, Georgia O’Keeffe painted giant orange poppies. “If I could paint the flower exactly as I see it,” she said, “no one would see what I see because I would paint it small like the flower is small.  So I said to myself–I’ll paint

Seminal nonprofit gallery and project space LA><ART decamped from its original Culver City space and moved to a very civilized new home in Hollywood earlier this year and is currently gearing up to celebrate its tenth anniversary this Fall. At the same time, the organization

An edited conversation between curator/artist Kio Griffith and writer/artist Jacki Apple about four exhibitions exploring cultural history, memory, materiality, impermanence, and performance in contemporary Japanese art. Metamorphosis Of Japan After The War: 1945-1964 West Los Angeles College. June 12 - July 11, 2015 Kachofugetsu: FlowerBirdWindMoon Arena 1 Gallery, Santa Monica. June 13 –