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“This is my 40th year. It’s something that surprises me too,” said Lydia Takeshita, founder and administrative executive of LA Artcore. Now 91-years-old with no set plans to retire, Takeshita started the non-profit organization-cum-gallery space in the late ‘70s. Then a professor of Fine Art

Jose Dávila’s Sense of Place is a public installation supported by Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND) curator and director Shamim Momin, in conjunction with the Getty’s Pacific Standard Time-LALA. The concrete artwork was unveiled in West Hollywood, then disassembled, and will be situated in site-specific

As part of the Getty, Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, The Here/There exhibit, the millennial practice of taking clay and give it shape could not be better expressed with the ceramic works of artists Yolanda Gonzalez and YOLA her mother at the FM Fine Art Gallery

The Critical Eye by, Phil Tarley Robert Polidori Photographs Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Getty Museum The Getty Museum is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Getty Center in 1977. An exhibition of 20 works by photographer Robert Polidori (Canadian-French-American, born 1951). Robert Polidori: