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Russo Lee Gallery Ko Kirk Yamahira: deconstruction and reconstruction October 4—27, 2018 Obsessively meticulous and labor-intensive in their construction, borderline perverse in their fetishization of process and materials, Ko Kirk Yamahira’s mixed-media constructions push painting into the realm of the sculptural. The works begin as color-field paintings or silkscreens,

Casemore Kirkeby Gallery Suné Woods: This Body is Alive September 8—November 17, 2018 Suné Woods’ beautifully paced and installed exhibition invokes a dreamy world, aqueous yet earthly, in which bodies are alternately at rest and in motion.  Movement is either portrayed directly  –  a 21-minute video features Woods

UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive Christina Quarles: Matrix 271 September 19—November 18, 2018 Christina Quarles’ large-scale figure paintings offer beguiling new ways of portraying difference, frequently pushing the limits of representation. Such ambiguity, however, offers a persuasive visual correlative to the messy and often dissociative experience

Catharine Clark Gallery Sandow Birk: Imaginary Monuments II October 20—December 22, 2018 In his Imaginary Monuments II drawings, Sandow Birk continues to entice us with an intriguing view of history and politics. Following his 2015 Imaginary Monuments series, Birk depicts, in twelve large ink drawings, grandiose neoclassical-style monuments: