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Bessie Kunath takes everyday materials and creates small scale, intimate sculptures and installations; hand-made and strangely elegant while still being coarsely fashioned. The pieces embody an exploration of their own materiality and scale, the possibilities in their construction, the process of decision-making and a fine

FABIEN CASTANIER GALLERY, Culver City (May 14-June 11, 2016) Urban Legacy is more than the sum of its parts — an extraordinarily vivacious series of abstract expressionist compositions from a titan of graffiti and street art which is also emblematic of a shift within the street art

If you ask Doron Gazit about the inspiration behind his life’s work as both a designer and artist, he’ll likely reach into his back pocket to show you: Balloons. Simple, wilted balloons, the kind you inflate and twist into dogs, swords and hats at a

ACE GALLERY, LOS ANGELES (February-June, 2016) Laurie Lipton’s solo exhibition, Techno Rococo, is an ironic take on our society’s complicated progress from the industrial to the tech revolutions. While her complex vision — a dystopian future featuring details of retro beauty juxtaposed with contemporary references — comes