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Kayne Griffin Corcoran Gallery John Mason: Sculpture 1958-1964 (July 15-August 26, 2017)   John Mason is recognized as one of the pioneers of modern ceramic sculpture, a West Coast phenomenon with worldwide ramifications. Mason’s innovative works from the later 1950s and ‘60s pop up—usually singly, given their normally large

CB1 Gallery Lorenzo Hurtado Segovia: Vida, pasión y muerte (September 9—October 21, 2017)   In Lorenzo Hurtado Segovia, we have an artist embracing change in his practice, without ever weighing anchor on what came before. CB1 is showing new works from four distinct series, inviting viewers to discover the

Shoebox Projects is a self-directed residency program founded in 2016 by Kristine Schomaker where artists are given space and time to conceptualize and create new works. Bibi Davidson and Dwora Fried began their residency on September 25th. Their installation, Two Women, One Reality, will be

Von Lintel Gallery Kysa Johnson: As Above, So Below (June 24—August 19, 2017)   The infinite expanse of the universe is a sublime concept. That the universe is also infinitely small is an equally wondrous and mind-boggling conundrum. Merging these two concepts might seem a vast undertaking, but it